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Showing posts from July, 2020

Just around the bend

This Sea I Love

This Sea I Love Tranquil lake, misty morning, early I explore Down to the eerie water’s edge I go to pour Every love song in my heart into the sea, our sea, Take that walk down by the water, I have left one there for thee. Down the steps I go,  I shiver as I touch  the lapping waves, the gentle waves, so quiet All too much. Salty tears, salty sea,  I dip my head below and lap by lap I leave the sadness of the ache I have for thee. Slow the mist lifts off the water; soft the sun comes breaking through I’m the dancer, not the painter, That, I leave to you. I have only memories of the misty, tranquil sea, A hundred pictures I have painted in my mind of thee. Then the hills come into view as the curtain draws away Do I have to leave this place, why can I not stay? Steal away with me my Darling, fly away with me Take a walk down by the water; I’ll be there with thee. Sweet moments I remember, the stars, the stormy sea You touch the ti


So much has been and still is being written about creativity that I wonder even as I write whether there is anything I can add to the volumes already published on this subject. I should dive right in, is what my instinct tells me. Don’t wait for the right formula. Waiting for the right moment, the mojo, for my head to be in the right space, for the creative juices to flow will not produce one single creative moment. One could procrastinate until the moment is “right” whatever that “moment” might be.  I wonder as I wander. Someone wrote a song like this. I could google it I guess, but do I want to google it? I may end up going down some rabbit hole in search of something someone else has written and to what end? Only to discover, they said it first? I wouldn’t be the first to simply wander. Wandering has enabled me to tap into some of my best creative thoughts. The less planning that goes into it the better. Planning being limited to: Bag; apple; phone; kikoy (which doubles up as