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Showing posts from December, 2022

I Used To Be Stubborn Now I'm just Pertinacious

A quick search of the word "stubborn" took me down a rabbit hole where I found more than a few mules stuck in the narrow passages of their own making: arse to the wind, hee-hawing for all they were worth, veritably stuck in the mud long after help had been and gone. They would still be stuck there for probably much longer than they needed to be because of one common problem: They simply would not be gracious enough to take help or advice from another person. Any parent of a strong-willed child will tell you it's a constant challenge and very exhausting constantly "encouraging" them to do almost anything that they themselves haven't decided they want to do. They do not take orders from anyone. School reports are filled with comments like: "Could do better if he/she were more co-operative" or "His/her wilful attitude is a challenge in the classroom." With respect to the gender non-specific generation, I had a son who constantly challenged b